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What are Dental Implants

Dental Implants are basically small titanium rods that are inserted into your jawbone. The titanium rod oessiointergrates (fuses) with your natural jawbone and replicates the root area of your natural tooth. The titanium implant can then be utilised by the Clinical Dental techinician to stabilise your upper and lower dentures.


Dental Implants will give you the most stable and secure dentures you will ever wear, they will give you freedom to wear dentures confidently and face those social and physical limitations that some denture wearers experience. If you feel embarressed by missing teeth or have difficulty chewing, dental implants may be right for you. Dental implants offer the most natural and closest solution to regaining your original smile.



Dental Implants for the denture wearer


Denture wearers sometimes struggle to find stability when wearing loose or ill fitting dentures, if this you then implants may be the answer to wearing dentures that, make you feel more confident, and help you talk and eat with no inhibitions.


There are number of modern implant techniques that will help the denture wearer:


Removable implant over dentures - provide stability where new dentures are attached to two or more dental implants. The denture is clicked into place, where it is retained by the dental implants and supported by the soft tissue. You simply click the denture out each night for cleaning. This is a very cost effective option and provides great stability for denture wearers, removing the need for adhesives and providing great confidence.


Removable over dentures on an implant bar - for a secure fit, a dental bar is fixed to your jaw bone with two or more implants, You will then be fitted for a custom-made bar that attaches to the dental implants to support a new overdentures. The new overdenture will have attachments which simply clip it into place. Your new teeth are firmly supported by the implants to stimulate the jaw and maintain bone. You will again be able to remove the denture easy for cleaning and maintanance. 


Fixed implant supported bridges - a custom-made denture may be secured using dental implants. The number of implants will vary for each patient. A custom made denture will be permantly attached to the implants in the mouth and again this option stimulates the bone in the mouth. The denture can easily be removed by the dentist for maintance.





Do I have enough bone to place implants into?


The quantity and quality of bone in your mouth affect whether we can place the implants. On your consultation with Dr Iqbal, he will take x-rays and measurements to determine this. Sometimes if there is not enough bone, a graft can be done to increase the amount available. 


Are there special health limitations?


People who have uncontrolled diabetes or certain bone disorders are not always good candidates for implants. But in general, most people have no problem with the treatment, regardless of age.  As with any dental treatment, clients who smoke can take longer to heal.


What is an implant made out of?


Dental implants are made from medical grade titanium alloy, the same material used in replacement hip joints. Bone fuses to titanium. They come in various sizes for different situations, but the size is essentially the same as a natural tooth root.


Is the procedure uncomfortable?


Dental implant surgery is usually done under local anaesthesia. This completely blocks pain from your mouth and you will stay awake during the procedure, therefore making it similar to a extraction or a filling, so it is usually quite comfortable. After the implant is placed, a little swelling or discomfort is normal.  You may have a few stitches in the tissue at the site of implant placement.


Who provides implant treatment?


Implants are placed by Dr Atif Iqbal after studying a Postgraduate Diploma in the field of Implantology he is highly qualified and able to  perform implant surgery (placement). Chris Fell CDT working alonside Dr Iqbal has the training and experience to construct the natural looking prostheses to be placed on the healed implants. Dr Iqbal's academic experience and personal demenour gives him a great foothold in the industry and has enabled him to encounter and successfully treat a variety of complex cases. Every person’s case is unique, and at your consultation appointment we can decide the best treatment option for you.


What if I already have implants?



If you already have implants you book an appointment with Chris to construct a new implaint retained denture. It is the of the upmost importance that you treat your implants like natural teeth, this means that when you have a new prostheses construct Dr Iqbal (Implantologist) will provide you with a check-up before the new prostheses is constructed. If you have implants and are looking to have more implant treatment this is aso not a problem either fill in the form above or just give us a call on 01782 849969



We find Implant treatment is very rewarding and we enjoy providing this option for our clients. As Chris and the team always look forward to providing you with the best care available today.

Dental Implants

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